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Home : Representatives : Anna Goodson Management

Anna Goodson Management popular

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  • contact: Anna Goodson
  • phone: 514-482-0488
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  • Anna Good­son Man­age­ment (AGM), an in­no­va­tive, bou­tique-​style agen­cy serv­ing the glob­al mar­ket­ing needs of the vi­su­al arts com­mu­ni­ty. Draw­ing on a proven track record of vi­sion, in­sight and in­ge­nu­ity, AGM rep­re­sents some of the most cel­e­brat­ed il­lus­tra­tors from around the world - as far away as Aus­tralia and Ar­genti­na. Found­ed in 1996, AGM is driv­en by pas­sion and a com­mit­ment to pro­vid­ing ex­cep­tion­al per­son­al ser­vice to artists and clients. Today, AGM's artists work with some of the lead­ing ad­ver­tis­ing agen­cies, de­sign firms, mag­a­zines, pub­lish­ers and news­pa­pers in the world.
    • Submitted by: anna goodson
    • Hits: 7108
    • Added: Nov. 01, 2002
    • Last Modified: Jul. 22, 2016
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