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Collignon, Veronica

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  • contact: Stacey Endress
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  • “I see life in colour,” declares fashion illustrator Veronica Collignon, and looking at her portfolio full of light, colourful imagery, it’s hard to argue. But she takes her obsession with colour even further in her everyday life. For instance, she has a collection of nail polish bottles that she’s never used. “I always end up buying them because I am drawn by the colours! I even remember names and numbers by a form of colour-coding in my mind,” she says.

    That quirky sense of fun carries over into her artwork, but it’s underlined by great talent, professionalism and a fantastic technique. Growing up in Mexico, from a young age she was inspired by drawing and creativity, and her favourite illustrators include David Downton, Garance Doré and Izak Zenou. She worked alongside the latter for two years.

    She later moved from her home city of Guadalajara to Paris, and then to Madrid, to study. Eventually, she ended up in New York where she now has a range of clients in fashion, retail, advertising, cosmetics and more.

    New York’s cosmopolitan mix is the perfect thing to inspire her. She loves to people watch, and enjoys exploring other cultures, with Moroccan and Japanese at the top of her list at the moment.

    Veronica studied on the Fashion Studies programme at the Istituto Europeo di Design in Madrid, and later gained certificates in Fashion and Fine Art from Parsons The New School.

    Projects begin with Veronica learning about her client and the audience they want to reach. Research is key, before she plays with different looks and ideas, and then settles on the best composition. After the sketching comes her favourite part – adding the colour.

    Whimsical, colourful and fun are words commonly used to describe Veronica’s style. Her work has the feel of classic fashion illustration about it, with striking graphical forms, a gestural style, and lovely brushwork and inking.
    • Submitted by: KarenKaller
    • Hits: 1168
    • Added: Mar. 16, 2017
    • Last Modified: Apr. 25, 2018