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Home : Comic_Conceptual : Roumieu, Graham

Roumieu, Graham

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  • contact: Chrystal Falcioni at Magnet Reps
  • phone: 323-272-4915
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  • Graham’s award-winning signature linework and off-beat wit has appeared in advertising, magazines, newspapers and character development. Clients include Harper's, The New York Times Magazine and Book Review, Business 2.0, Explore, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Sun, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Arnold Worldwide, The Bark, Seed, Report on Business, The LA Times, Maclean’s and Nobleworks. He has also illustrated two books, Some Really Super Poems About Squirrels, Andrews McMeel and In Me Own Words - the Autobiography of Bigfoot, Manic D Press, he is currently working on his third book. His work has been honored by American Illustration, Applied Arts Magazine and the National Magazine Awards.
    • Submitted by: magnetreps
    • Hits: 2455
    • Added: Feb. 13, 2004
    • Last Modified: Aug. 26, 2016